Semestre de Primavera: Animales en el Jardin!

Green Schoolyards America is proud to feature Living Schoolyard Month celebrations that were held in May across the state of California. If you celebrated and would like to be featured here, send photos and a brief description to info [at] greenschoolyards [dot] org. 

Los estudiantes de Kinder aprendieron todo sobre los insectos! Aprendieron todas las partes de un insecto, y observaron insectos diferentes en el jardin. Hicimos insectos con frutas y verduras para ayudarnos recordar todas las partes! 

En 1 y 2 grado, los estudiantes aprendieron sobre los hábitats. Hablamos de los animales que pueden vivir en nuestro jardin (el hábitat!) como aves, abejas y mariquitas. Al final, cada estudiante inventó un animal especialmente adaptado a vivir en nuestro hábitat jardín!

En 3 y 4 grado, aprendimos de adaptaciones, y observamos las adaptaciones físicas y de comportamiento de animales en el jardín. Discutimos adaptaciones como camuflaje y partes especiales del cuerpo. En una de las actividades, los estudiantes intentaban comer como pájaros con picos especialmente adaptadas! 

Ha sido una primavera llena de la ciencia en el jardín!

Kindergarten students learned all about insects! They learned all the parts of an insect, and observed different insects in the garden. We made insects out of fruits and vegetables to help us remember all parts!

In 1st and 2nd grade, students learned about habitats. We talked about the animals that can live in our garden (our habitat!) such as birds, bees, and ladybugs. At the end, each student invented an animal specially adapted to live in our habitat garden!

In 3rd and 4th grade, we learned about adaptations and observed the physical and behavioral adaptations of animals in the garden. We discussed adaptations like camouflage and special parts of the body. In one of the activities, students tried to eat like birds with beaks specially adapted!It has been a spring full of science in the garden!

It has been a spring full of science in the garden! 

Written and photographed by Joanna Johnson, Mission Education Center, Education Outside

San Francisco, California