Students support native habitats in Fairfax, California

Each year we plant about 400 acorns from trees in the school neighborhood. We participate in a Junior Botany program through Wildcare. The children learn to identify black oak, valley white oak, live oak, blue oak and tan oak. We take care of the baby oak trees until they are ready to plant. We share our baby trees with anyone who wants to plant one in their yard or for a restoration. 

Observing our native bees in our “Ishi, Bee, Bird and Butterfly Sanctuary" 

Fourth graders observing our visiting cliff swallows. We are so excited to welcome the cliff swallows each March. Now in May we watch the parents catch flying insects and bring them to the nests to feed their babies. 


A close look to identify our very own "Live Bee”

Green Schoolyards America is proud to feature Living Schoolyard Month celebrations that were held in May across the state of California. If you celebrated and would like to be featured here, send photos and a brief description to info (at) greenschoolyards (dot) org.  —GSA

Contributed by Laura Dax Honda, Teacher, Manor Elementary School
Photos by Laura Dax Honda

Fairfax, CA